Are you looking for a way to make your Revit workflow more efficient? If so, the Fetch app is an invaluable tool that can help streamline your process and keep you up to date with the latest product codes, family constraints, and documentation. With its powerful Sync and Update functions in the Fetch ribbon, you can easily maintain accuracy of families while making sure they are always up-to-date. Learn how these functions work and why they are important for keeping your Revit models running smoothly by reading on! The Fetch app is a powerful tool that can help streamline your Revit workflow by keeping you up-to-date with the latest product codes, family constraints, and documentation. 

Using the Sync and Update functions in the Fetch ribbon, you can make sure that your families are always accurate and up-to-date. The Sync function pulls information from the central Fetch server such as product codes, updated family constraints like minimum and maximum dimensions, and most recent links to documentation. The Update function completely reloads a model from the database when major changes need to be implemented such as changes in geometry or new price or weight formulas.

To use these functions, you can select either “Sync Parameters and Names” or “Sync Only Parameters” in the dropdown menu of the Fetch ribbon. Using “Sync Parameters and Names” will sync both parameters and parameter names with the centralized data while “Sync Only Parameters” will reuse your custom types and parameters without resetting them. It is important to reset parameters to their initial standard size when editing families so using this mode is often beneficial for this application. 

The Update function should be used when major changes need to be made to a family such as when its geometry needs to be modified, new price or weight formulas must be implemented, or if it has become broken somehow. If you find yourself needing to perform an update on a family then you should submit a report at so that our team can investigate further and fix any issues that may arise! 

By taking advantage of all the features within the Fetch app such as Sync and Update functions, you can easily keep your Revit models up-to-date with all the latest information! To learn more about how to use these functions or even about other features of Fetch then please check out our video tutorial by clicking here!

The Fetch app is an essential tool for streamlining your Revit workflow and keeping families up-to-date with the latest information. With its Sync and Update functions, you can easily maintain accuracy of families while making sure they are always accurate and up-to-date. If major changes need to be made to a family such as when its geometry needs to be modified or new price or weight formulas must be implemented, then make sure to use the Update function in order to ensure that these updates are properly applied. To learn more about how to take advantage of all the features within the Fetch app check out our video tutorial today!


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